
Tag Archives: UV

Beautiful. Experimental artist Fabian Oefner has created a storm of coloured neon paints hitting the new Farrari California T sports car at over 150mph to emulate it’s speed. Love neon. Farrari’s are pretty nice too.

Ferrari paint storm

A Unique Stage for a Unique Performance from Ferrari USA on Vimeo.

I love neon and I’m really liking this advert! Columbian yoghurt company Bonyurt recently released their new line “neon” yoghurt. A installation was created using mounds of glowsticks, blenders, 200m of clear tubing, 700 glasses and a DJ synching the vibrant colours and liquids with some good tunes. This is what they achieved –

For a yoghurt company this is pretty trend.

Alas, the summer is finally here! Time to relax, take it easy, have a lemonade…. you could do this, but you could also start slapping on that UV paint instead of your factor +20 sun-cream. This is the time when all the festivals become alive all over the globe. Fortunately I already have my tickets booked for the Electro Music Festival Melt in Berlin. I’m expecting great weather and a fantastic time to be had. I highly recommend it or any of the following: Electric Picnic, Burning Man, Oxygen, Glastonbury, Pukkelpop, Sziget. Just to name a very small amount! But I’ve heard/know great things about all of these. So I leave you with some very nice visuals to get you in the festival mood. I love UV colours!

I had to add this. It’s graphic, UV and a lovely song – Soon We’ll Be Found by Sia.

vimeo / allyohsoscene / laughter is the music / kickstartxmyxheart / mambba / thousand sugar fish / lloydkbarnes / miss-march / hiptronichoops / beautiful gorgeousxo / only neon love